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DALI Relays – A Leap Forward not Backwards

DALI Relays – A Leap Forward not Backwards

Suitable control gear is available for just about every type of light source: Fluoro, LED, Emergency, LV and even incandescent? So why would you ever need to use a  DALI Relay? Integrate existing non-dimmed light fittings in a refurbishment project; Control new non-DALI light fittings that the client ‘just has to have’; Banks or circuits of […]

10 Point DALI Check List – Do This First And Save Time

10 Point DALI Check List – Do This First And Save Time

So you’ve run all the Mains and the DALI bus wiring to all the DALI fitting on a DALI Line. What should your check list be before you start the commissioning process? Here is a 10 point DALI check list that will make every DALI installation faster and more reliable. Confirm that there are no […]

Speed Up DALI Addressing And Commissioning

Speed Up DALI Addressing And Commissioning

One of the first things you notice when installing and configuring a DALI installation – known as assigning DALI Addresses: The process for applying and then identifying which control gear has which DALI Short Address can take a significant amount of time. Why Does DALI Addressing Take So Long? The reason is that every DALI […]

DALI Voltage Drop

DALI Voltage Drop

What is the allowable Voltage drop across a DALI Line? The quick answer is: The voltage drop must be less than 2 V dc. To measure: Take a reading at the DALI power supply and note it down. Take a reading at the far end of any runs on that DALI Line. This reading there […]

DALI Loop vs DALI Line

DALI Loop vs DALI Line

 I’m working through a spec for a commercial job with DALI. In some places this refers to DALI Lines and in other places DALI Loops; are they the same thing or different? Older documents and standards used the term “Loop”. In recent years, the term “Line” has become preferred. Both terms mean the same thing: […]

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