RAPIX hardware devices and software products include useful features to assist with testing and diagnosing DALI systems.
The RAPIX Addressing and RAPIX Integrator software have almost identical logging and diagnostic support functions. The term RAPIX Software is used in the descriptions that follow.
Quick and easy: as simple as you can get.
The RAPIX USB Interface has 3 buttons to allow simple checking for all devices on a DALI Line: ON, OFF, and TOGGLE.
The ON and OFF buttons transmit a broadcast ON, or a broadcast OFF. The toggle button turns a toggle function on or off. Whent the toggle function is active, a broadcast on or off is transmitted every 1 .. 2 seconds.
Using these simple functions allows fast and easy checking of basic function and connectivity.
Checks using the RAPIX Zone Controller.
To Identify all the devices on a DALI line, use the Zone Controller menu system:
To check DALI lines, use the Zone Controller menu system:
RAPIX Zone Controllers can keep extensive logs, to allow later checking. Log files are retrieved using RAPIX Integrator software.
To retrieve Zone Controller logs:
1. RAPIX Integrator needs to be connected to the same Ethernet network as the Zone Controller.
2. Select the relevant Zone Controller in the Network Interfaces.
3. Click on the Get Logs button.
The Zone Controller log can be set to record more or less detail as required.
To set the log level:
The DALI log shows everything that is happening on all DALI Lines in a site.
The RAPIX Software needs to be connected to the DALI Lines through a USB DALI Interface Device, or through one or more RAPIX Zone Controllers.
1. Click on the DALI LOGGER button:
2. The DALI Log Form will be displayed.
Select the DALI Lines where DALI messages are to be viewed.
3. Click the Start Log button:
4. Any DALI messages on the selected lines are displayed in the log window. Details include message source, type, DALI Address and DALI Command:
5. RAPIX Zone state is also shown:
The Zone Controller logs all DALI events for a period of a week to several months, depending on the site size and how busy it is. This is useful for looking at what has happened on a site in the past.
To import and view the Zone Controller DALI Log:
1. On the Zone Controller Properties page, click on Get Logs
2. Open the transferred Zip file and copy the Dali.clg file to somewhere convenient.
3. Open the RAPIX Integrator DALI Logger.
4. Click on the Import button:
5. Select the file saved in step 2.
6. The converted file will be saved as Dali.txt in the same location as Dali.clg
7. The Log will be shown and will appear the same as a RAPIX Integrator DALI Log.
8. Additional messages can be displayed by selecting system and metadata events in the log filter:
9. A summary of the DALI events over time can be viewed. To do this:
This can be used to identify whether DALI lines have low voltage, are particularly busy, or have high message error rates.
Filters can reduce the amount of information in a log, so that only messages of interest are presented.
1. To filter the log messages, click on the Filters button:
2. The Filters panel is displayed:
3. Select one or more filters to apply. For example, to show just DALI Level messages, select the Type filter and de-select the other types of messages:
4. To hide the filter panel, click on the Filters button again.
A message shows that filters are enabled, so some messages may be hidden.
The log allows fast easy search. Just type in the search box – only messages containing that text are displayed with highlighting:
Quick and easy testing and identification of lines and devices.
Identify allows the devices on a line to be found quickly and easily.
1. Select the DALI Line in the Network Interfaces.
2. Click on the Identify button at the bottom of Network Interfaces part of the window.
3. All DALI Devices on the Line will be switched off and on repeatedly. This is useful for checking that all DALI Devices have been connected to the correct DALI Line and are operational.
Some self-contained DALI Emergency Devices may not respond to identification. These devices do not allow the lamp to be controlled. This is a limitation of the DALI standard.
Individual DALI Devices can be controlled to allow them to be tested or identified.
1. Select the DALI Device in the Addressing View.
2. Click on the Identify button at the bottom of the Device Addresses part of the window.
3. The selected DALI device will be switched on and off.
As for Controlling a Device (above), multiple devices can be controlled.
1. Multi-select devices:
Select the first device by clicking.
Then hold CTRL key and click other devices to select them.
2. Click on the Identify button at the bottom of the Device Addresses part of the window.
3. The selected DALI devices will be switched on and off.
As for Controlling single devices, but using DALI Groups.
1. Select the DALI Group from the list.
2. Click on the Identify button at the bottom of the Device Addresses part of the window.
3. The DALI devices in the selected Group will be switched on and off.
There are also buttons to set the selected device(s) or group on, off or to a level. For colour devices, a colour or colour temperature can be selected.
Testing and identification of DALI devices using your Mobile Device.
To identify DALI Devices using a mobile device, use the RAPIX Software and then:
1. Click on the Go Mobile button.
2. Scan the QR Code with your phone or web tablet to open the connection.
3. Select the DALI device from the grid or in the drop-down list.
4. Click on the button with the device number to toggle the state of the device, or click on the Identify button
Quick checks during programming / commissioning.
RAPIX Integrator software includes buttons in the Zone properties section that allow a Zone to be identified, switched on or off, or set to a level.
RAPIX Integrator includes buttons in the Scene properties section that allow a Scene to be identified, set or turned off.
RAPIX Integrator allows setting an Operating property to a value by selecting the value in the Properties tab, then clicking on the Set Value button.
RAPIX Integrator allows setting or clearing a Flag. Select the Flag Group and Flag. Then click the Set or Clear button.
All the details.
The project report contains all the details of a project. Clickable links in the report allow navigation and cross-reference between different parts of the report.
Project Report is only available in RAPIX Integrator.
In RAPIX Integrator, click on the Tools menu, then select Project Report.
The Project Report is an HTML file. It includes cross-referenced details of all DALI Lines and Devices, Zone Controllers, Zones, Scenes and Properties.
The Project Report also includes a list of any warnings at the end of the report. Warnings include:
If only the device errors are of interest, select the Device Error Report instead.
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