DALI-2 Four Line Zone Controller

Key features:

  • 12M wide DIN rail mounted embedded controller
  • Direct connect for up to four (4) DALI lines
  • Up to four (4) more DALI lines can be added to each Zone Controller by linking to the RAPIX Ethernet DALI Interface
  • Two Ethernet ports with in-built Ethernet switch for daisy chain connections
  • LCD screen and control buttons with menu driven control interface for easy programming and initial commissioning
  • Powered by external 5-12 V dc supply (DIN mount universal voltage power supply DGLMPS12DC/1-0 is available as an order item)
  • Line joining between DALI lines – on a single controller and / or across multiple controllers
  • Zone creation – Zones being collections of DALI lines and / or DALI Groups and / or DALI Short Addresses
  • Zone joining – link Zones to form larger zones
  • Zone rules – configurable logic based on states of Zones, DALI Groups and DALI Short Addresses
  • Scene control across all connected Zone Controllers and DALI lines
  • Includes embedded Logic Engine using C# programming language
  • External connectivity using secured and / or trusted RAPIX API
  • External connectivity using TCP/IP, WebSocket, REST API, Modbus, MQTT and BACnet
  • Configured using the FREE RAPIX Integrator software tool
  • Certified to DALI standards IEC 62386-101 Ed 2 and IEC 62386-102 Ed 2 (DALI-2)
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The RAPIX DALI Zone Controller is a powerful DALI Application Controller, acting as an embedded Ethernet / DALI controller as part of the RAPIX DALI Lighting Control System.

The Zone Controller supports control functions, scheduling, and the seamless joining of individual DALI lines in a building.

Each Zone Controller can connect up to four physical DALI Lines. Zone Controllers communicate to each other and external systems using Ethernet networking. The Zone Controller software allows DALI Devices and DALI Groups across any DALI Line to be linked together to form DALI Xi Zones and Scenes that suit the building application.

Each Zone Controller also allows up to two RAPIX DALI Ethernet Interfaces to be used to add a further one, two, three or four DALI lines.

External systems connectivity is available using a variety of protocols. These include a native and secured RAPIX protocol, a REST API, MQTT, BACnet and Modbus. Other protocols are regularly being added.

The rules engine in the controller can track and control DALI devices based upon events in the system.


Data Sheet

Installation Guide


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