Speed Up DALI Addressing And Commissioning

One of the first things you notice when installing and configuring a DALI installation – known as assigning DALI Addresses:

The process for applying and then identifying which control gear has which DALI Short Address can take a significant amount of time.

Why Does DALI Addressing Take So Long?

The reason is that every DALI Control Gear leaves the factory with no Short Address assigned. To deal with this:

  • When DALI software first scans or re-scans a DALI Line, it broadcasts a series of inquiries looking for ‘any New Units’.
  • All New Units generate an internal random number, which is used in deciding how and when to answer the query.
  • Depending on the address assignment software, and the random numbers, those new units get assigned a Short Address.
  • The address assignment software then asks again and again until no New Units are left to respond.
  • The result is that devices on the line have Short Addresses, and the order and physical placement of these is random.

The issue now is identifying which of the DALI control gear has which (of the up to 64) Short Addresses.

Historically this has been achieved by using the address assignment software to blink a Short Address on and off, and then tour the building to find which light is blinking – to ID every light on a DALI line with this method can take hours.

So How Do I Speed Up the DALI Addressing & Commissioning Process?

RAPIX Addressing offers a novel twist on this process: the DALI Short Addresses are still assigned in random order but the ID process is greatly simplified.

From a PC connected via a USB interface to the DALI line, a WiFi link serves a web page to any smart phone, tablet or pad.

From this remote smart device the patented Rapid Find algorithm will allow you to walk around the building and ID every light and, if required change its Short Address there and then.

A whole DALI Line can be identified in less than 30 minutes.

RAPIX and DALI – We Get It!

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